Recreation: Supra Boats
Supra Boats prides itself on manufacturing high-performance, luxury watercraft that provide superior sport performance and season-after-season worry-free enjoyment. As the first in their industry to introduce a marine engine specifically designed to reduce harmful emissions without any loss of power, Supra Boats also chose a flotation foam made with Ecomate®. This flotation foam does not contribute to any of the harmful environmental effects that other blowing agents have been linked to – a fact that Supra's customer base of amateur and professional water sport enthusiasts can appreciate. It is this type of eco-conscious innovation, combined with a steadfast focus on quality, that continues to keep Supra in an industry leadership position.

Commercial Refrigeration: Delfield
Delfield is one of the largest custom stainless steel refrigeration equipment manufacturers in the world. As a global company with worldwide sales, Delfield benefits from using an environmentally-friendly Ecomate® blowing agent technology. Ecomate® complies with all U.S. EPA regulations, as well as with the international Montreal and Kyoto Protocols. Ecomate®-blown foam insulation, Ecofoam®, helps Delfield create products that meet the strictest energy standards, further protecting the environment by requiring less power to operate. Known for innovative solutions, Delfield is always looking for new ways to help their clients freshen up their operation with a whole new way to look at refrigeration. In this case, Ecofoam® was the clear choice.

Specialty Moldings: Grizzly Coolers
Grizzly Coolers go through extensive testing to make sure they hold ice the longest, and in the most extreme conditions. Consequently, the excellent thermal efficiency of an Ecomate® system made it a great choice for the 'outdoor everything' cooler company. While manufacturing a cooler that can keep its contents cold for up to 19 days is pretty cool, Grizzly Coolers knows that producing the "greenest" cooler on the market is even cooler. And the appeal to the environmentally conscious users of Grizzly Coolers? They agree it’s cool on all levels.

Appliances: Bock Water Heaters
Bock was built on innovation. For nearly a century, Bock Water Heaters has been manufacturing high-quality residential and commercial water heaters. Few, if any, competitors can match their longevity and industry knowledge. Since 1929, Bock has maintained its strong and long-lasting market position through superior technology and innovation. So it was fitting that the company became the first in the industry to insulate water heaters with an environmentally friendly foam that also provides superior thermal efficiency — Ecofoam®.